Tuesday, August 28, 2012

CLKG Receives Humanitarian Award

The C.L. King Group Inc. was awarded the prestigious Humanitarian Award during the 2012 Craven County NAACP annual banquet. Our corporation is blessed to have partnerships with individuals and organizations that believe in impacting this next generation.
Our 100 county mission continues to be to stimulate positive engagement from the home, the school, the faith based group, the community, and the individual child.  Pictured with C.L. King are:
Mr. Smith- C.L. King Group Inc. Senior Vice President
Mr. Davis- C.L. King Group Inc. Executive Board Chairman
Ms. Augustus- Community partner and advocate

We will forever do all that we can to Impact One Life, One Day at a Time!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

NC Youth Rock!

In our quest to help make NC Bully Free we often conduct rallies that have nothing to do with bullying at all! You say "if you don't talk about it how can you make it better?" What we do is also inspire the young people to get active and to get engaged!  We recently conducted a rally at the Pitt County Boys and Girls Club, teaching the young people that whatever they do (or whatever bell they ring) make sure it will be a benefit to society.

Next, we traveled to Fort Benjamin to hold a Don't Drop the Hammer rally. This back to school youth event was sponsored by Mt. Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church. Our message to the kids was sometimes doing what is positive is not always popular, but whatever you do... Don't Drop the Hammer! We were honored to see our dear friend and teaching legend Mrs. Williams at the event. She has been teaching for 52 years!!! Our generation could learn something from her.


Then we closed out the week by teaming up with Mr. John Grant and the Community of Excellence for a back to school youth conference. Our team helped teach this great crowd of young people to believe in themselves, how to handle peer pressure, and the 5 keys to becoming a true leader. This was a great day of empowerment and it was wonderful to have so many parents in the sessions with us. As icing on the cake, we were all honored to have in the audience Mr. Mark Best from Craven Community College, Alderman Victor Taylor from the city of New Bern, and Mr. Johnny Thompkins Jr., Montford Point Marine Congressional Gold Medal recipient! Wow... What a week!