Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dance with her... the music is still playing

Dads, Moms... Dance with your children while the music is still playing. One day, the music simply stops.

One day it becomes uncool to hug in public, or to show affection around their friends. I still do not know why this is... And perhaps maybe I will never know. But I do realize that everytime you hear the music... Dont be so busy getting a job or education, or being a great provider or a community leader that you leave your child to dance alone...One day...sooner than we all want...the music stops.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

How to make a memory

Many times what our kids want is for someone to simply spend time with them.

This past week I had the wonderful opportunity to make a pine wood derby car with

my little cub scout. It was an amazing time! We worked "together" to cut that block

of wood into a fast race car...Even though I am not savvy with tools or

construction, the memory my little scout will have of these moments will be

indelibly etched in his mind.

His car never took first place... But the moments with dad did.

Friday, March 19, 2010

5 Points of Connection

This has been a very active month to say the least. This past weekend I participated in a roundtable discussion for community leaders that focused on strengthening the local community. I was honored to be in the room with distinguished leaders such as Representative William L. Wainwright, Congressman G.K. Butterfield, Aldermen, City Council members and many others. When I took the microphone to speak, I told the assembly of the work that CL King Group is doing.

I let the leaders know of my desire and passion to put action with my words… consequently I have been speaking in schools and community centers across Eastern NC to challenge this next generation to take control of their life, and make good life choices.
Just today, we presented, "The Choice Is Theirs" to a wonderful group of K-5 students at Stepping Stones School. While there, I challenged these young minds to look past the years of Nintendo Wii and I Phone text messaging, and told them to look at what is on the horizon for them in the coming decade. At the conclusion of our presentation, students signed a “Choice Contract” that committed them to elevating their efforts towards success.

I look forward to revisiting these students in the coming weeks and stimulating more choice that is positive.
Next month I will be speaking with the Young Marines and their families about establishing a goal, nurturing it and completing it. I am excited about meeting with the Young Marines- Ooh Rah!

But... I recognize this mission is not a one-man show. My organization seeks to mobilize and connect the churches, schools, community leaders, parents and the children/young adults, to create a cycle of positive influence right within our own localities.
This effort will take my time and resources… and in order to GET this thing moving... I will continue to GIVE all that I have. In the coming weeks I will be presenting my vision to our local, state, and national elected officials in hopes that the CL King Group can devote 100% of our time to saving the next generation of choice makers!
Check out our website at

Friday, March 12, 2010

Prepare to JUMP!!!!

Jump!!!! Imagine flying up in plane to an altitude of 5 thousand feet and being told to jump out! That alone for me would be a crisis…But imagine you do jump~and as you are rushing towards the earth you realize…uhh…you forgot the parachute back at the base!

Life is a matter of preparation. Children depend upon us as leaders, parents, mentors and role models to prepare them for the various phases of life. But there comes a time, whether by development or even by tragedy that it will be their responsibility to prepare for the nuances of life. One day they will be in the plane all alone… will they prepare ahead of time for the big jump. We need to teach our children how to pack their own parachute… they will have to pull the chord one day all by themselves.

The C.L.King group, in cooperation with churches, communities, schools, and parents aims to show this next generation of God’s children that they can take a leap of faith into the limitless skies of life. Next week I will be speaking to another wonderful group kids and presenting “The Choice Is Theirs”. Perhaps a kid will go home choosing not to be afraid of the heights or the speeds of life… they will begin to make preparation… for the day when they decide to JUMP!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Our Kids Need Us!!!!!

Wow! I just met with a police detective and we spent over 2 hours discussing gang prevention in the community. Our purpose has never been clearer... our kids need us. But they need more than another motivational speech, more than another cute power point presentation filled with statistics, they need a wake up call! This journey that my foundation is embarking on is no small task. We need to unite the schools, community leaders, churches and homes to stop the downhill spiral of the loss of our children.

Parents need to be engaged, supportive and active in their kids lives. But they also need to set limits, maintain consistent standards, and be willing to show "tough love."

Communities need to raise awareness about the negative activities going on around them. City streets need to be taken back by the law abiding citizens, and no one should be afraid to walk around the block.

No one person can do it... I was reminded of this today. But one person can ignite a movement... a movement of choice.

-We CHOOSE to excel in school!
-We CHOOSE to eliminate gang influence on our kids!
-We CHOOSE to become active and impact our community!
-We CHOOSE to quit making excuses and make a difference!

Just like the young person in this picture, the only thing that can prevent success... is a little thing we all control... Our Choice!