Thursday, April 26, 2012

Wali Davis Helps TGI Students Visualize!

In our final G.O.A.L. Initiative sesson the students were privileged to have Mr. Wali Davis as the guest speaker. Mr. Davis captivated these young minds with a riviting message about how to Visualize your goals.
Mr. Davis told the students how he reached a point in life where he didn't want to just have a job, he wanted to pursue his dreams. His message was a fitting end to the hard work these students have been engaged in for the past six weeks.
Mr. Davis told the TGI students to make a tangible representation of their goals. He told them they needed to "see" their goals every day. He helped the students grasp this concept by having each one of them draw a picture of what they felt their goal looked liked. Additionally, Mr. Davis told them to write two elements they will need to acheive their goal. The students provided insightful responses that we were able to capture:

Monday, April 16, 2012

You can be Anything!

Michelle Fisher is a noted author and speaker. She discussed with our students the need to understand their purpose and how how they could be anything in life!

Mrs. Fisher challenged the students not to listen to negative influences and to focus on accomplishing all their goals!