Joseph dreamed dreams and interpreted them. It was because of the hand of God on his life that the nation of Israel survived throughout the seven years of famine.
In the 2nd book of the bible however, it details that the Pharaoh died, Joseph died, and the entire generation died but the new king did not know Joseph. He did not know the dreams Joseph had, he did not know how he saved millions of lives, and he did not know that Joseph’s dream became a reality.

So here we are...preparing to commemorate another birthday of the great Dr. Martin Luther King. In doing so, we must as individuals continue to make his dream a reality. Additionally, we must not allow a generation to rise up that does not know Dr. King.
The nation of Israel suffered in captivity for 400 years because something was not passed from one generation to the next. Our youth do not need to be tangled in the chains of gang violence, teen pregnancy, delinquency, and substance abuse all because they did not know about the dreamer.
Take time to teach your kids, your students, and your youth group that it is up to them to keep Dr. King's dream a reality for generations to come.